Posts Categorized: Acupuncture

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How To Support Your Nervous System During Dry January

Are you participating in a New Year’s group health challenge like Dry January? There’s also Sugar Free January and even Phone Free February. We all turn to things which help us cope in the moment- they give us a short term escape. If you’re tired of the way these quick fixes make you feel and are looking to make some changes, here are some tips for success:

Get Support

This is part of being kind to yourself: it can really impact your chances of success (whatever that means to you) when you have someone to call on during a particularly rough moment, or just to discuss how things are going, sharing the highs and the lows. This could be a friend, family member or mental health professional.

Make a Plan

First off, be clear about your goals. Is it to completely eliminate alcohol/sugar/tech addiction? Is it to stop turning to it during particular times? What is your definition of success in making this effort? Only you can answer that.

Second, make a plan for replacing the bad habit with something else, and make it specific and easy to do.  Meditation, exercise, drinking a cup of tea, reading or journaling, or picking up phone to call a friend or relative are just a few ideas.


Because acupuncture is fantastic for normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, once you have a plan in place it can create a bridge to facilitate adopting those healthier habits. Acupuncture has been shown to increase parasympathetic nervous system activity (think: rest and digest) and release endorphins. At the same time it reduces inappropriate levels of sympathetic nervous system activity (the fight or flight one) and the resulting stress hormone production (adrenaline).

In our clinic we look at what stands out about your symptoms and try to connect the dots, formulating a “pattern diagnosis” and choosing the most appropriate acupuncture points from there. We often teach our patients acupressure points to continue the progress at home, and love giving acupressure stickers on the body or ears which can be left in place for 3-4 days.


The practitioners at our office are trained herbalists and can recommend a personalized herbal formula to help your body in this state of transition. One formula we turn to often is Xiao Yao San which is also called Free and Easy Wanderer. It regulates Liver Qi, nourishes the blood and support digestion. Many herbal formulas can safely be taken for 1-3 months so once Dry January is over, continuing with herbs can make it easier to maintain the momentum you’ve built around lifestyle changes.


We recommend teas such as chamomile, lavender, and mint to help calm your body and mind. Overall, the best tea for relaxation is your favorite tea :-). Make it a ritual that feels good to you, as it’s often more about the entire experience rather than purely the substance itself.

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Labor Induction Acupuncture: A New Approach

It’s a situation I’ve encountered many times: a woman calls me up because she’s been told that if she doesn’t go into labor on her own in a few more days, she’ll be induced.  Of course she wants to avoid this, and she has read about trying a “Labor Induction” acupuncture session.

After over 10 years of practice in women’s health and two years of an intensive perinatal acupuncture certificate program, I’ve learned there’s a better way to approach this issue, and it’s backed by studies as well as advice of medical practitioners. Read on to find out what I think is much more effective and relaxing than just this single “Labor Induction” session. I’ll also discuss the situations in which a labor induction treatment might be helpful. Read more

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How Can Acupuncture Help With Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain?

Imagine that things as simple as talking, chewing, smiling or feeling the wind brush against your cheek cause searing facial pain. You can’t live in the formerly carefree way you used to- chewing crusty bread or laughing with friends trigger pain that is so severe, you just avoid those activities altogether. Sounds pretty awful, right? For patients with Trigeminal Neuralgia, this describes everyday life. Read more

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Acupuncture For Nausea During Pregnancy- Plus 3 More Tips

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is often called “morning sickness”. In reality, most women probably wish it only happened in the morning-  around 98% of women who have nausea feel it at various points throughout the day! Researchers estimate that between 50-90% of women experience nausea during pregnancy.

For most women, nausea resolves around 13-16 weeks, but for others it will continue throughout the pregnancy. In addition, for some whose nausea did stop after the first trimester, it returns about a month before the due date. Frustrating, but totally normal.

Aside from the awful sensation that nausea brings, you can end up feeling confused about what’s triggering it and what you can do about it. This article will give you some concrete ways to feel more in control and simply bask in your newfound pregnancy glow. Read more

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You Can’t JUST Get Rid of Your Hot Flashes: Why A Holistic Approach Is Better During Perimenopause

When I set out to write this article, I intended to pick one symptom of perimenopause and give tips on managing it. But then I thought, “You can’t just pick one symptom and  get rid of it alone. What women need is help with minimizing hormonal fluctuations so that ALL of the symptoms improve”.

So that’s what I’m doing in this article. It’s not a totally exhaustive guide to all herbal remedies or possible treatments, but I’ll give you ideas that are easy to implement, that are backed by studies and that will help you now as well as 5 years down the road. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is always an option from your doctor, but for some women it doesn’t make sense and others would prefer to avoid medications.  These ideas are a holistic approach to hormone-balancing and can help you feel like yourself again. Read more