Posts Categorized: Postpartum

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Heat Therapy In Chinese Medicine

Heat is an essential component of the therapeutic recommendations of Chinese Medicine. In order for our bodies to function optimally, we need warmth and proper circulation. Without it, cold sets in and circulation becomes sluggish. Whenever I meet a patient with signs of internal cold, I recommend a variety of ways they can build heat (also called yang energy) to feel better. Read more

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Acupressure Points To Help With Breastfeeding

I recently wrote a guest blog post for Boober, a fantastic service here in NYC which provides on-demand lactation consultations. It’s so important for new parents to get help as quickly as possible when issues pop up. The sooner you can get help, the more likely you are to be able to breastfeed in the way that you had hoped.

Acupressure can be a very useful addition to your treatment plan, but above all I recommend consulting with a lactation professional for one-on-one help.

Read the article for three of my favorite breastfeeding points- one for milk let-down, another for after-pains and the last one for anxiety, insomnia and relaxing the chest.

Check out the article on the Boober Blog!

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What Nobody Talks About During Pregnancy: Your Postpartum Health

Prenatally, we tend to focus on mom and how she can optimize her health for her benefit and the benefit of the baby. However in the postpartum period, our culture seems to completely focus on baby and mom’s well-being is forgotten. This attitude is also reflected in postpartum medical care in the USA. Generally, the baby goes for their first pediatrician visit just a few days after birth, but mom’s first visit with her OB isn’t until a whopping 6 weeks after the delivery!

Thankfully, recently there has been more media attention to this problem (see this great guide in the New York Times). The American Academy of Pediatrics has even recommended that new moms be screened by their child’s pediatrician for postpartum anxiety and depression. In my and many others’ opinion, this is a positive step, but more support for new moms is needed. Until healthcare systems in the USA begin providing appropriate levels of support to new parents, you must develop a plan for your postpartum health during pregnancy. After the baby is born it will likely feel much too overwhelming. Read more

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Having A Healthy 4th Trimester: Q&A with Amber Star Merkens, Postpartum Doula

Before I met Amber Star Merkens, I had no idea postpartum doulas existed. I immediately had a ton of questions for her because I became so excited about the idea that there are professionals available to help new moms out- this is seriously something everyone needs to know about! If you think doulas are only helping during labor, think again, and read on!


What is a doula?

The term doula literally means a woman’s helper. Read more