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BBT Charting, Fertility and Acupuncture: What’s The Connection?

Whenever a woman comes to acupuncture looking to increase her fertility, in most cases I ask for BBT charts (or recommend she start charting). If you’re asking what a BBT is, click here for an explanation. BBT charts are clinically useful to me as an acupuncturist for many reasons. First, if there is a clear temperature shift midcycle, I know the woman is ovulating, and on which day ovulation is taking place. If the length of the follicular (pre-ovulatory) phase is consistently between 12-20 days, and if the luteal (post-ovulatory) phase is consistently between 11-16 days, I’m fairly confident that things are normal and any fertility issue is not with ovulation. In addition, the basal body temperatures should be within a certain range. If they are significantly lower or higher than I typically see, it could indicate a thyroid dysfunction which should be checked out by a physician.  Read more

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Just The Basics: BBT Charting

What if I told you there’s science-backed method to reliably prevent pregnancy- without being on the pill? Also-using this method you can predict the exact day you’ll get your period- two weeks out? Yes indeed, no more mid-meeting surprises or ruined white pants! It’s technically called FAM, or Fertility Awareness Method, but is more commonly referred to as BBT (Basal Body Temperature) Charting. It’s incredibly easy and takes no more time than popping a birth control pill every day. Here are the details: Read more

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The Menstrual Cycle According To Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a really fascinating way of looking at the menstrual cycle- the time from the start of your period to the start of the next one. It is a view that is guided by nature, Daoist principles and yin/yang theory. These principles are based on eating and living according to the rhythms of the seasons and your body’s own unique qualities, which leads to greater health and balance. By being mindful of how your cycle’s rhythms mirror the ebb and flow of the natural world, you can achieve a deeper, more intuitive understanding of your body. Read more

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How To Finally Start Meditating (Or Just Learn More About It)

It doesn’t so much matter where you start, just that you start somewhere. Pick whatever learning tool best suits you! And remember, relaxation is not the only benefit. Meditation has been proven to increase grey matter in the brain (the stuff you need for learning and cognition).

In-Person Meditation Groups/Classes in NYC

Shambhala Center of NYC (also has podcasts on their website)
Dharma Punx (also has podcasts on their website)
Kadampa Meditation Center

Meditation Apps
iSleep Easy– Apple OS, click here for Android
Guided Mind– Apple OS
Simply Being– Apple OS, click here for Android

Anything By Author and Buddhist Nun Pema Chodron
The Miracle of Mindfulness: Thich Nhat Hanh
Turning the Mind Into An Ally: Sakyong Mipham
Natural Wakefulness: Gaylon Ferguson

Rubin Museum


Relaxation Response Video: Massachusetts General Hospital Benson-Henry Institute For Mind Body Medicine

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Acupuncture For Running Injuries

I was the kid who couldn’t run a mile in gym class. Remember the fitness awards in elementary school? You had to reach a certain goal in tests like the v-sit, pull ups, sit ups, and of course, the dreaded mile. My 13 minute mile time always held me back from getting an award, so from elementary school until my early 30’s, I pretty much despised running. However just a few years ago, my boyfriend started to drag me out for mile runs. It was torture, but my endurance gradually improved. I’m still a novice, but now run about 12 miles a week and absolutely LOVE it! Nothing gives me more energy, and it’s a great way to spend more time outside.

Although I am relatively new to running, I have been working with runners my entire acupuncture career. I now get why runners are absolutely hell-bent on returning from an injury quickly- it’s a totally addictive sport! Acupuncture is fantastic for treating a multitude of running injuries, ranging from plantar fasciitis to runner’s knee to IT Band pain and tightness.

These are the most common issues I treat for runners:  Read more