Posts Tagged: Acupuncture New York City

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Lend Me Your Ears: Auricular Acupuncture

Auricular Acupuncture (acupuncture performed on the ear) has an incredibly fascinating history, much of it coming not from China but from right here in New York! But first- you’re probably asking “Wait so ear acupuncture is a thing?” Yes. If you’re a patient of mine you’ve likely had a lot of it. So first, I’ll tell you a little about why I use ear acupuncture, and why you might want it. Read more

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Struggling To Kick The Caffeine Habit? Here’s How…

Over the summer, I accidentally got hooked on coffee. I didn’t even realize it until the first day I didn’t have any. I vowed to cut it out by the end of the summer, strictly because I didn’t like being reliant on something. In situations where a cup of coffee is difficult to get (camping), I didn’t want to deal with the headache (literally!) of not having it. Plus, I like the idea of having coffee as an occasional treat or energy boost when I really need it, as opposed to something I feel terrible without.

Is caffeine really so bad for you? It depends.. Read more

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What Is A Pulsatility Index, And Why Is It So Important For Fertility?

If you’re trying to get pregnant, you should care about your Pulsatility Index. What? One more thing to keep track of? By the way, what in tarnation is a Pulsatility Index?

A Pulsatility Index (PI) is a measurement of the blood flow through your arteries- specifically, the ones going to your ovaries and uterus. Read more

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Acupuncture For Running Injuries

I was the kid who couldn’t run a mile in gym class. Remember the fitness awards in elementary school? You had to reach a certain goal in tests like the v-sit, pull ups, sit ups, and of course, the dreaded mile. My 13 minute mile time always held me back from getting an award, so from elementary school until my early 30’s, I pretty much despised running. However just a few years ago, my boyfriend started to drag me out for mile runs. It was torture, but my endurance gradually improved. I’m still a novice, but now run about 12 miles a week and absolutely LOVE it! Nothing gives me more energy, and it’s a great way to spend more time outside.

Although I am relatively new to running, I have been working with runners my entire acupuncture career. I now get why runners are absolutely hell-bent on returning from an injury quickly- it’s a totally addictive sport! Acupuncture is fantastic for treating a multitude of running injuries, ranging from plantar fasciitis to runner’s knee to IT Band pain and tightness.

These are the most common issues I treat for runners:  Read more

While You’re In The Neighborhood…

Having just moved my office to midtown in December, I’ve been slowly exploring the new neighborhood and am amazed at the history nearby! Bryant Park, The New York Public Library main branch and Grand Central Terminal are all just a stone’s throw from my acupuncture office. I feel so lucky to be close to these New York City landmarks, and they each have an incredible array of events and activities to offer to locals and visitors. Read more