You may have heard that acupuncture can increase overall fertility and the success rate of IUI and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). How exactly does it help? Research has shown that there are several factors.
1) Increased blood flow to the uterus- this can result in thicker endometrial (uterine) lining as well as a higher quality lining. Although there is some debate about exact numbers, usually if the lining is less than 6mm it is considered “too thin”. Lining just before ovulation should be about 8-13 mm thick- and will continue to get thicker up until your period begins. Quantity isn’t the only important factor- the quality is also vital. Research has shown that healthy endometrial linings have three distinct layers; without these three layers there can be problems with implantation. If conception does not take place, the “trilaminar” (three layered) appearance” usually disappears 48 hours after ovulation. Read more