Posts Tagged: Herbal Medicine

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5 Ways To Naturally Treat and Prevent BV and Yeast Infections

Over the years I’ve seen many patients who get recurrent BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) Infections and/or Yeast Infections. BV is actually much more common, making up the majority of all vaginal infections. It can be asymptomatic in many cases, but can also result in unusual discharge or a fishy odor. Yeast Infections are an overgrowth of Candida albicans yeast. They make up only 33% of all vaginal infections. The major symptoms are clumpy white discharge, itching, pain and irritation during sex. It is very important that neither type of infection go untreated- both can lead to PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), increased susceptibility to STD’s, and in pregnancy, untreated BV can result in pre-term birth and low birth weight.  Read more

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BBT Charting, Fertility and Acupuncture: What’s The Connection?

Whenever a woman comes to acupuncture looking to increase her fertility, in most cases I ask for BBT charts (or recommend she start charting). If you’re asking what a BBT is, click here for an explanation. BBT charts are clinically useful to me as an acupuncturist for many reasons. First, if there is a clear temperature shift midcycle, I know the woman is ovulating, and on which day ovulation is taking place. If the length of the follicular (pre-ovulatory) phase is consistently between 12-20 days, and if the luteal (post-ovulatory) phase is consistently between 11-16 days, I’m fairly confident that things are normal and any fertility issue is not with ovulation. In addition, the basal body temperatures should be within a certain range. If they are significantly lower or higher than I typically see, it could indicate a thyroid dysfunction which should be checked out by a physician.  Read more

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You’re An Adult. Why Is Your Skin Still Breaking Out?

I’m an adult. Why is my skin still breaking out? I hear this so often from my patients and I totally get the frustration. Growing up, I was a regular at the dermatologist’s office. As I entered high school, my painful, cystic acne had become severe- all over my chest, back, face, even my upper arms, to the point where I was embarrassed to wear sleeveless tops in the summer. It made an already awkward phase of life even harder. But when you have acne as an adult (either for the first time or continuing from your teenage years), you can feel even more self-conscious because it feels like you are the only one still having this problem. Read more

Plants As Medicine: Top At Home Herb Remedies

Chinese GinsengPlants as Medicine: Safe at-home Herbal Remedies

About a month ago I had the pleasure of attending the “Wild Medicine” Exhibition at the New York Botanical Gardens (on view through Sept 8th). Plants from around the world which are also used as medicine (in both ancient and modern times) are featured, including an Italian Renaissance Herb Garden and many other plants. Many of the plants in the exhibition are traditionally used as Chinese Medicine Herbal remedies. Read more